I have been an entrepreneur for over 50 years as a founder and owner of photographic and digital print companies, and a professional architectural and landscape photographer. Over those 50 years, I have photographed architecture and landscapes for architects, magazines, interior decorators, real estate developers, and many other industry groups. Now in semi-retirement, I am actively pursuing my passion for photography and enjoying time with my family.
Attending Ohio State University in the early 70s, I pursued a career in architecture, but after 3 years I changed my studies to my other interest of architectural photography. With my passion being historic architecture, I knew that architectural photography certainly would include some historic structures. While on many architectural photographic assignments, I would find interesting artifacts and documented those details, which included beautiful mosaics, stained glass, peeling paint, custom carved cornices, intricate brickwork, to name a few. I then began to artistically compose and render those details as art. Both my passions were satisfied!
My passion is historic buildings’ adaptive reuse and new builds in historic districts. Whether your project is converting a factory into condos, re-purposing abandoned industrial space into an office complex, or simply renovating a tired building, my photography chronicles the building’s heritage, adding art and dimension to the building, while adding value to your investment.